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Freshwater Ascomycetes - Species Monograph

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Genus Species Author
Phaeosphaeria barriae Fallah, C.A. Shearer & J.L. Crane
Class Order Family
Dothideomycetes Pleosporales Phaeosphaeriaceae



Habit: Ascomata scattered, immersed, becoming erumpent on submerged dead herbaceous debris.
Ascomata: Ascomata 296-308 x 211-230 µm, pyriform, scattered, immersed becoming erumpent, papillate, ostiolate, dark brown. Phaeosphaeria barriae - Ascomata
Peridium: Peridium thin-walled, 12-42 µm wide, of 3 to 4 layers of small pseudoparenchymatic cells; cells 12-19.5(-23) x 4-6 µm, outer cell layers brown, inner cell layers hyaline, textura angularis in face view and in longitudinal section. Phaeosphaeria barriae - Peridium
Beak: Beak 78-121 µm long, periphysate. Wall composed of small rounded cells, 6-8(-10) x 4-6 µm, wall thicker at the apex. Phaeosphaeria barriae - Beak
Hamathecium: Pseudoparaphyses cellular, 1-2 µm wide. Phaeosphaeria barriae - Hamathecium
Ascus: Asci 152-183 x 25-35 µm, clavate, slightly curved toward the base, fissitunicate, with small occular chamber, wall thicker at the apex, tapering to a short hoof-shaped stipe at the base, with 8 overlapping biseriate ascospores. Phaeosphaeria barriae - Ascus
Ascospore: Ascospores 47-55 x 10.5-ll.5(-13) µm, broadly fusiform, hyaline, straight or slightly curved, 3-septate, constricted more at the primary septum and less at the other septa, with middle two cells equal in size and larger than end cells, 15.5-16 x 10.5-12 µm; end cells, 10-11 x 7-8 µm, with a single guttule in each cell. Phaeosphaeria barriae - Ascospore
Sheath: Amorphous gelatinous sheath surrounding the ascospore, at first contained within rigid end caps that slip off in water. End caps 10-12 µm dian, not staining in India ink and invisible in lactic acid. Sheath penetrated by bipolar appendages which are initially coiled and unfurl in water. Appendages invisible in lactic acid. Phaeosphaeria barriae - Sheath
Appendage: None observed. Phaeosphaeria barriae - Appendage
Culture: Colonies on peptone yeast extract agar (PYG) grown at 24 C pink. Mycelium immersed in agar composed of branched, septate, hyaline hyphae. Aerial hyphae white and formed at the center of colonies. Culture from the holotype, ATCC 201490.
Anamorph: Not seen.

Other info

Type & Location: HOLOTYPE. USA. WISCONSIN: Vilas Co., Big Muskellunge Lake, UTM Zone 16, 297663mE, 5097935mN, on Typha latifolia L., 28 Oct 1995, PMF P3-38 (ILLS 53092).
Other Specimens: ILLS
Substratum: Carex, Scirpus, Typha
Habitat: Lotic
Distribution: USA (WI)
Pertinent Literature: Fallah, P.M., C.A. Shearer, and J.L. Crane. 1998. Freshwater Ascomycetes: Phaeosphaeria barriae sp. nov. from lakes in Wisconsin.
Comments: P.M. Fallah is acknowledged for the discription and illustrations.

Additional Pictures

Unfurled Appendages Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Appendages Inside Sheath Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Unfurled Appendages Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Appendages In India Ink Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Ascospores With Appendages Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Ascus Apex Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Endoascus Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Empty Ectoasci Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Peridial Cells Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Sheath In Early Stage Of Expansion Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Expanded Sheath Outlined In India Ink Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
Ascospore In Expanded Sheath Phaeosphaeria barriae - additional image
