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Freshwater Ascomycetes - Species Monograph

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Genus Species Author
Pseudohalonectria lutea C.A. Shearer
Class Order Family
Sordariomycetes Inc. sed. Magnaporthaceae

      MycoBank ID: 136213



Habit: Saprobic, ascomata immersed or partially immersed in submerged, dead woody debris.
Ascomata: Ascomata 290-540 µm diam, on wood immersed, yellowish brown, membranous, rostrate, venter globose to subglobose.
Peridium: Peridium of textura angularis in face view.
Beak: Beaks 300-600 x 160-200 µm, cylindrical, periphysate.
Hamathecium: None observed.
Ascus: Asci 122-192 x 14.4-18 µm, hyaline, cylindrical, with thimble-shaped ascus apparatus, asci seperating from ascogenous hyphae and lying free in venter cavity. Pseudohalonectria lutea - Ascus
Ascospore: Ascospores 48-68 x 4.8-8.4 µm, hyaline to pale orange, end cells less pigmented than inner cells, orange in mass, ellipsoidal, 5-septate. Pseudohalonectria lutea - Ascospore
Sheath: None observed.
Appendage: None observed.
Culture: ATCC. Colonies on CMA floccose, yellow, becoming greyish yellow with age, dull yellow in reverse, yellow pigment diffuses from colony into the agar; hyphae immersed and superficial.
Anamorph: None observed.

Other info

Type & Location: HOLOTYPE: CHILE. Region X: Esteros Llanguehue, from submerged wood collected from a small stream. 26 June 1984, CS-744-1A, NY.
Other Specimens: On submerged wood from a stream originating from a thermal spring at Aquas Calientes near Puyehue, Region X, Chile. 13 July 1984, CS-744-2, NY.
Substratum: Wood
Habitat: Lotic
Distribution: Chile; USA (WI)
Pertinent Literature: Shearer, C.A. 1989. Pseudohalonectria (Lasiosphaeriaceae), an antagonistic genus from wood in freshwater. Canadian Journal of Botany 67: 1944-1955.

Additional Pictures

Ascospore 1 Pseudohalonectria lutea - additional image
Ascospore 2 Pseudohalonectria lutea - additional image
Ascus 1 Pseudohalonectria lutea - additional image
Plate from Fallah & Shearer 2001. Pseudohalonectria lutea - additional image
