Freshwater Ascomycetes - Species Monograph
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Genus |
Species |
Author |
Submersisphaeria |
aquatica |
K.D. Hyde |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Sordariomycetes |
Inc. sed. |
Annulatascaceae |
Genbank ID:
MycoBank ID:
Synonymy: |
Habit: |
Immersed, partially immersed or superficial on submerged wood. |
Ascomata: |
Ascomata scattered or aggregated, immersed, partially immersed or superficial on substrate, black, ostiolate with a short, central neck. Venter subglobose or globose, 300-520 x 240-530 µm. |
Peridium: |
Peridium 30-43 µm thick, composed of 5 to 7 layers of rather large brown pseudoparenchymatic cells, 6-17 x 3-4 µm, outer cells darker, inner cells subhyaline, textura angularis in face view and median longitudinal section. |
Beak: |
Neck cylindrical, 210-1120 x 90-140 µm, tapering to 60-70 µm, black, lighter at the apex, periphysate. |
Hamathecium: |
Paraphyses simple, septate, hyaline, 125-180 x 7-8 µm at base, tapering to 2 µm at the apex. |
Ascus: |
Asci deciduous from the hymenial layer, cylindrical, with rounded or truncated apex, narrowing to an attenuated stipe, 160-245 x 8-12 µm, extending in water to 280 µm and rupturing near the midpoint of the ascus to release ascospores, with a prominent refractive apical ring, 4-6 x 5-6 µm, staining light blue with a weak solution of aqueous cotton blue containing 2% lactic acid, with 8 uniseriate or overlapping uniseriate ascospores. |
Ascospore: |
Ascospores 18-26 x 7-9 µm, ellipsoidal to oval, brown, with a single septum at the midpoint or above, multiguttulate, with very small, hyaline, cap-like appendages. |
Sheath: |
None. |
Appendage: |
Small, hyaline, cap-like biapical appendages about 2 µm wide. |
Culture: |
Anamorph: |
Other info
Type & Location: |
Australia: in Queenslandia septentrionali, Atherton Tablelands, Mt. Lewis, ad lignum submersum, in rainforest stream, August 1992, K.D. Hyde 1543, BRIP 22743. |
Other Specimens: |
Numerous: ILL |
Substratum: |
Submerged wood. |
Habitat: |
Lotic habitats. |
Distribution: |
Australia; USA (widely distributed) |
Pertinent Literature: |
Hyde, K.D. 1996; Campbell et al. 2003. |
Comments: |
Additional Pictures
Ascus apical ring photographed at 100X.