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Freshwater Ascomycetes - Species Monograph

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Genus Species Author
Massarina rubi (Fuckel) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 2: 155. 1883.
Class Order Family
Dothideomycetes Pleosporales Lophiostomataceae

Synonymy: Basionym = Massaria rubi Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 25-26: 303. 1871.
=Massaria micacea J. Kunze, in Winter in Rabemhorst, Krypt.-Fl. 1(2): 542. 1887.
Basionym = Massarina micacea (J. Kunze) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 9:825. 1891.
=Massaria polymorpha Rehm, Ber. Naturf. Ges. Augsburg 26: 60. 1881.
Basionym = Massarina polymorpha (Rehm) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 2: 155. 1883.
=Massarina spiraeae Bose, Phytopathol. Z. 41: 174. 1961.
Basionym = Metasphaeria sepincola f. spiraeae Petrak (?)
=Massarina eccentrica Barr, Mycotaxon 46: 508. 1993.
Basionym = M. eccentrica Barr, Mycotaxon 45:212. [nom. inval.]


Habit: Ascomata on wood, immersed to partially immersed, scattered.
Ascomata: Ascomata 352–400 x 184–190 µm, immersed to partially immersed, hemispherical or pyriform, scattered, with black clypeus formed around the beak, dark brown to black.
Peridium: Peridium 19.5–22.5 µm wide, texura angularis, composed of 2 to 4 layers of pseudoparenchymatic cells; cells 5–10 x 2.5–8 µm.
Beak: Beak 160 x 80 µm, black on the outside and dark brown toward the inside, periphysate.
Hamathecium: Pseudoparaphyses cellular, 1.5–2 µm wide, extending beyond asci and occasionally anastomosing or branching, with gel coating.
Ascus: Asci 70–80 x 8–10 µm, broadly cylindrical, fissitunicate, thick-walled, with ocular chamber visible in 5% KOH, narrowing to a hoof-shaped stalk, with eight overlapping ascospores.
Ascospore: Ascospores 16–22 x 4–5.5 µm, broadly fusiform, hyaline, with upper cell slightly enlarged, 1-septate when young, becoming 3-septate at full maturity, guttulate, with bipolar appendages; appendages up to 2 µm long.
Sheath: Not observed.
Appendage: Appendages bipolar, gelatinous, up to 2 µm long.
Anamorph: Not observed.

Other info

Type & Location:
Other Specimens: USA. WISCONSIN: Vilas Co., Sparkling Lake, UTM Zone 16, 291184mE, 5099214mN, on submerged, partially decomposed wood, 17 June 1996, PMF & JLC P2-72 (ILLS 54046); Allequash Lake, UTM Zone 16, 296454mE, 5101163mN, 46°2.032ÕN, 89°37.825ÕW, on submerged, partially decomposed wood, 1 May 1997, PMF & JLC P4-49 (ILLS 54047).
Substratum: Dead twigs.
Habitat: Terrestrial, lentic.
Distribution: North America (WI), Europe, India.
Pertinent Literature: Fallah & Shearer 2001.
Comments: Massarina rubi occurs on at least eight plant families (Aptroot 1998). This species was found on submerged dead twigs, possibly an Alnus sp., in Sparkling Lake, WI. Given the numerous reports of this species from terrestrial habitats, it is most likely an immigrant to fresh water.

Additional Pictures

Fig. 1, bar = 50µm, Figs. 2-6, bar = 25 µm, Fig. 7, bar = 12.5 µm Massarina rubi - additional image
