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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Pseudoproboscispora caudae-suis (Ingold) J. Campbell & Shearer (sub Ceriospora caudae-suis Ingold
Substrate 1. woody (ash twigs)
2. woody (decorticated wood)
3. woody
4. woody
5. woody
5. woody
Country 1. England
2. USA (AR, IL, LA, ME, MI, NH, WI)
3. USA (WI)
4. USA (FL)
5. Finland
Citation 1. Ingold 1951
2. Shearer Unpubl.
3. Fallah 1999
4. Campbell et al. 2003
5. Bonsdorff et al. 2013
5. Raja et al. 2009
Habitat 1. lentic
2. lotic
3. lotic (lakes)
4. lentic, lotic
5. lotic
5. lotic
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Te
2. Te
3. Te
4. Te
5. Te
5. Te

Class Order Family
Pyrenomycetes Inc. sed. Annulatascaceae
