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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Panorbis viscosus (I. Schmidt) J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer (sub Halosarpheia viscosa (Schmidt) Shearer & J.L. Crane ex Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm.)
Substrate 1. woody (twigs)
2. woody
3. woody, herbaceous
Country 1. USA (IL)
2. Philippines, South Africa
3. USA (MA)
Citation 1. Shearer & v. Bodman 1983
2. Hyde et al. 1999a
3. J. Campbell et al. 2003
Habitat 1. lotic (small creek)
2. lotic
3. lentic (salt pond), Atlantic Beach in strand
Ecoclimatic Zone Te

Class Order Family
Pyrenomycetes Halosphaeriales Halosphaeriaceae
