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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Nectria lugdunensis J. Webster
Substrate 1. woody (twigs)
2. woody (oak, willow twigs)
3. woody (alder, oak twigs)
4. woody (beech baits)
Country 1. England
2. England
3. England
4. England
Citation 1. Webster 1959
2. Willoughby & Archer 1973
3. Shearer & Webster 1991
4. Kane et al 2002
Habitat 1. lotic
2. lotic
3. lotic
4. lotic (river)
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Te
2. Te
3. Te
4. Te

Class Order Family
Pyrenomycetes Hypocreales Hypocreaceae
