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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Ophioceras leptosporum (Iqbal) Walker (sub Gaeumannomyces leptosporus Iqbal)
Substrate 1. herbaceous (plant stalks)
2. woody? (broad-leafed plant)
3. woody
Country 1. England
2. Papua, New Guinea
3. Thailand
Citation 1. Iqbal 1972
2. Shaw 1977
3. Hu et al. 2010 (only 1% occurrence)
Habitat 1. lotic
2. lotic
3. lotic.lentic (stream and lake)
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Te
2. Tr
3. Tr

Class Order Family
Pyrenomycetes Inc. sed. Magnaporthaceae
