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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Savoryella lignicola E.B.G. Jones & R.A. Eaton
Substrate 1. woody (beech, Scots pine, greenhart)
2. woody (sycamore twigs)
3. woody (beech, pine)
4. woody
5. woody
6. woody
7. woody
8. woody, herbaceous (Typha)
9. woody
10. woody
11. woody; herbaceous (Phragmites australis, Pennisetum purpurreum
12. woody
Country 1. England, Wales
2. USA (IL)
3. India
4. Australia (N. Queensland)
5. Australia, Brunei, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia,Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, UK
6. Seychelles
7. South Africa
8. Canada,USA (AR, FL, IL, LA)
12. Thailand
Citation 1. Jones & Eaton 1969
2. Shearer & v. Bodman 1983
3. Udaiyan 1989
4. Hyde 1993
5. Ho et al., 1997
6. Hyde & Goh 1998
7. Hyde et al. 1998
8. Shearer & Crane Unpubl.
9. Tsui et al. 2000
10. Ho et al 2001
11. Luo et al 2004
12. Hu et l. 2010
Habitat 1. artificial (water cooling towers)
2. lotic
3. artificial (water cooling towers)
4. lotic (river)
5. lotic
6. lotic
7. lotic
8. lotic
9. lotic (stream)
10. lotic (stream)
11. lentic (lake)
12. lotic.lentic (Stream and lake)
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Te
2. Te
3. Tr
4. Tr
5. Tr
6. Tr
7. Tr
8. Te, Tr
9. Tr
10. Tr
11. Tr
12. Tr

Class Order Family
Pyrenomycetes Savoryellales Savoryellaceae
