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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Submersisphaeria aquatica K.D. Hyde
Substrate 1. woody
2. woody
3. woody
4. woody (submerged)
Country 1. Australia (Queensland)
2. USA
3. USA (FL)
4. France
5. Germany
Citation 1. Hyde 1996
3. Raja et al. 2009
4. Fournier et al. 2016
5. Björn Wergen (personal communication)
Habitat 1. lotic (stream)
3. lentic, lotic
4. lentic and lotic
5. lotic
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Te
3. Te/subtropical
4. Te
5. Le

Class Order Family
Pyrenomycetes Inc. sed. Annulatascaceae
