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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Savoryella curvispora W.H. Ho, K.D. Hyde
Substrate 1. Woody
2. Woody
3. Woody
4. Woody
5. Woody
Country 1. Malaysia, Mauritius, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan
2. South Africa
3. Taiwan
4. Malaysia
5. China (Yunnan)
Citation 1. Ho et al. 1997
2. Hyde et al. 1998a
3. Chang et al. 1998
4. Ho et al. 2001
5. Luo et al 2004
Habitat 1. Lotic (river, stream)
2. Lotic
3. Lotic
4. Lotic (stream)
5. Lentic (lake)
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Tr
2. Tr
3. Tr
4. Tr
5. Tr

Class Order Family
Pyrenomycetes Savoryellales Savoryellaceae
