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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Lindgomyces ingoldianus (Shearer & K.D. Hyde) K. Hiray., Kaz. Tanaka & Shearer, comb.nov. (Massarina ingoldiana Shearer & Hyde)
Substrate 1. woody
2. woody (corticated and decorticated)
3. woody
4. herbaceous
5. woody
6. woody
7. woody (Dipterocarpus alatus baits)
8. woody
9. woody
Country 1. Australia, Brunei, USA (FL, IL, ME, VA, WI)
2. USA (FL, IL, LA, ME, MI, NH, NY, VA, WI)
3. Malaysia
4. USA (WI)
5. Hong Kong SAR, PR China
6. Hong Kong SAR, PR China, Malaysia
7. Thailand
8. USA (FL)
9. USA (NC)
Citation 1. Shearer & Hyde 1997
2. Shearer & Crane Unpubl.
3. Hyde & Aproot 1998
4. Fallah 1999; Fallah & Shearer
5. Tsui et al 2000
6. Ho et al 2001
7. Sivichai et al 2002
8. Raja et al. 2009
9. Raja et al. 2017
Habitat 1. lotic
2. lotic
3. not given
4. lotic (lake)
5. lotic (stream)
6. lotic (streams)
7. lotic (stream)
8. Lotic, Lentic
9. Lentic
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Tr, Te
2. Te
3. Tr
4. Te
5. Tr
6. Tr
7. Tr
8. Te
9. Te

Class Order Family
Dothideomycetes Pleosporales Lindgomycetaceae
