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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Trematosphaeria pertusa (Pers.:Fr.) Fuckel
Substrate 1. woody (beech, Scots pine)
2. woody (beech, Scots pine)
3. woody (alder, beech)
4. woody (beech & Scots pine baits)
5. Submerged wood
Country 1. England
2. England
3. Hungary
4. England
5. Japan
Citation 1. Eaton & Jones 1971b
2. Eaton & Jones 1972
3. Réváy & Gönczöl 1990
4. Kane et al 2002
5. Tanaka et al. 2015
Habitat 1. artificial (water cooling towers)
2. artificial (water cooling towers)
3. lotic
4. lotic (river)
5. Lentic and Lotic (Lake and River)
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Te
2. Te
3. Te
4. Te

Class Order Family
Dothideomycetes Melanommatales Melanommataceae
