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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Jahnula aquatica (Plöttner & Kirschst.) Kirschst.
Substrate 1. woody (Salix)
2. woody
3. woody
4. woody
Country 1. Germany
2. South Africa
3. USA (IL, TN)
4. USA (FL)

Citation 1. Kirschstein 1936
2. Hyde & Wong 1999
3. Raja & Shearer 2006
4. Raja et al. 2009
Habitat 1. lentic (ditch)
2. lotic
3. lotic & lentic (stream & lake)
4. Lotic
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Te, Tr
2. Te
4. Te

Class Order Family
Dothideomycetes Jahnulales Aliquandostipitaceae
