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Freshwater Ascomycetes - World Records

Species Mollisia sp.
Substrate 1. Woody (twigs)
2. Woody (skeletonized oak leaves)
3. Woody (oak, ash, alder twigs)
4. Woody (twigs)
5. Woody (alder, ash, beech and oak twigs)
Country 1. England
2. England
3. England
4. USA (RI)
5. Hungary
Citation 1. Webster 1961
2. Webster & Descals 1979
3. Willoughby & Archer 1973
4. Lamore & Goos 1978
5. Réváy & Gönczöl 1990
Habitat 1. Lotic
2. Lotic
3. Lotic
4. Lotic
5. Lotic
Ecoclimatic Zone 1. Te
2. Te
3. Te
4. Te
5. Te

Class Order Family
Discomycetes Helotiales Dermateaceae
